All of us struggle with our thoughts and feelings to one degree or another. Jesus promises a rich, satisfying life of significance and purpose, yet worry, doubt, and fear seem to be stealing this great benefit. Anxiety and depression occupy the space designed for peace and joy in your heart.

Do you ever feel like you are stuck, I mean really stuck, in your thinking patterns?
Maybe you are tired of non-stop, revolving thoughts relentlessly bombarding you. Maybe you are exhausted, feeling like you are running a marathon daily in your mind.

Maybe you don't feel anything at all—you are numb, walking dead.

Maybe you have done all the things, the counseling, the self-help programs, but you don't seem to be any better.
Maybe you aren't where you want to be, but you don't have the time or energy to start those things.
You want that next. right. step...

Friend, I'm so thankful God has brought you to this point. I'm so thankful we have crossed paths.

This is a low-pressure, self-paced, yet highly engaging, balanced course on moving forward. I meet you right where you are, connect you to God, and help you climb over that hump keeping you from the life-change you so desperately desire.

Science has proven we can retrain our mind and create new neuropathways, and yet, many still find themselves struggling with the same inner critic, feelings of failure, shame, and condemnation. You may be I missing something?

We are multidimensional beings. We have physical needs, soul needs, and spiritual needs. We can't take care of one part, ignore the other, and expect to be healthy!

This course addresses the emotional and spiritual roots of negative and tainted thoughts. Not only will you receive life-changing perspective, but also participate in tangible and practical exercises to invite the Holy Spirit to expand your mind and reveal your thoughts in a personal encounter with him.

It is within the context of an intimate experience with God that his love, forgiveness, and grace can heal us at our core and draw us into wholehearted living.
Will you take that next step with me?

Don't miss out on this opportunity! This incredible discount won't last forever!
Let this be your next step toward mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom!!

In this course you will learn to:
  • identify and discern your impure thoughts
  • consider your unique identity in Christ
  • realize your defense mechanisms and strongholds
  • experience freedom by throwing out Satan’s lies
  • embrace your God-given emotions in a healthy and helpful way

Meet Lisa

Join Lisa Young as she shares biblical insights from her own spiritual journey overcoming negative and impure thoughts by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Lisa holds a Master of Arts in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary and is a certified Enneagram coach. She is the author of New Reality: Extraordinary Living in Ordinary Life.

She enjoys guiding others to awaken, realize and enjoy a rich and full life and has been teaching and mentoring in ministries for over a decade. She is an instructor at Rivers Crossing Discipleship School in Mason, OH.


She is the creator of two other teachable courses:

How to be a Friend of God

Enneagram Orientation


Click here for a free consultation!

“I love Lisa’s teaching style. She is always encouraging as she speaks truth in love. I love how Lisa uses slides and examples from her own life because it helps me learn better through visual cues and how to apply it to my own life. It’s such a blessing listening and seeing the joy on her face as she talks and teaches about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

-Tina Elliot

"Lisa’s teaching about the whole person and how we relate to God simplified the idea of integrating our mind, soul and body as we grow in our relationship with the Triune God. This was more than head knowledge; it was the Holy Spirit connecting in the deep places of my spirit. I am forever changed and grateful for the opportunity to be taught by this Spirit led woman of God.”

-Vicki Lunsford

"Through Lisa’s teaching I was able to see the exposed lies of the enemy and then find the true heart of God allowing me to find and walk in the kingdom of God here on earth."

-Candice Smith

Let's do this together.

If you are feeling that nudge, don't ignore it, take this step into the unknown and engage with God in a new way, bringing a whole new level of health, freedom, and enjoyment! This isn't an empty promise, it's a promise backed by God's desire for us to have a rich and abundant life. (John 10:10)

God brings others from the body of Christ to help support and provide fellowship. It is in the context of relationship that God chooses to do his business, and I'd love to come alongside you on this journey. If you are interested in working one-on-one with me, book a free consultation today!

Price Slash! Was $50, now $37

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